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1 //{{{imports
2 package net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator;
3 import java.util.Enumeration;
4 import java.util.Vector;
6 import org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit;
7 //}}}
9 /***
10 * Encapsulates storing of options in jEdit properties.
11 *
12 * @created 03.05.2002
13 * @author Bernhard Krickl
14 *
15 * V.0.01 $Log:,v $
16 * V.0.01 Revision 1.2 2003/11/07 16:57:27 schaefep
17 * V.0.01 initial ps
18 * V.0.01
19 * V.0.01 Revision 1.1 2003/11/04 17:40:31 skopp
20 * V.0.01 checked in subprojects + sources
21 * V.0.01
22 * V.0.01 Revision 1.1 2002/05/08 15:03:28 krickl
23 * V.0.01 Encapsulates storing of options in jEdit properties.
24 * V.0.01
25 */
26 public class FileLocatorOptions {
28 /***
29 * Vector of MapConfig objects
30 */
31 private Vector mapConfigs;
33 private static final String OPTION_PREFIX = "options.filelocator";
34 private static final String CONFIGPARAM_OPTIONPANECAPTION = OPTION_PREFIX + ".caption";
35 private static final String CONFIGPARAM_MAPNAME = "";
36 private static final String CONFIGPARAM_MAPDIRECTORY = "";
37 private static final String CONFIGPARAM_MAPEXTENSION = "options.filelocator.maps.extension";
39 private static FileLocatorOptions INSTANCE = new FileLocatorOptions();
40 /***
41 * load all options
42 */
43 private FileLocatorOptions() {
44 loadMapConfigs();
45 }
47 /***
48 * get the singletion intance of FileLocatorOptions
49 */
50 public static FileLocatorOptions getInstance() {
51 return INSTANCE;
52 }
54 /***
55 * get the caption for the option pane.
56 * if not configured, a default caption is set.
57 */
58 public String getOptionPaneCaption() {
59 String caption;
60 caption = jEdit.getProperty(CONFIGPARAM_OPTIONPANECAPTION);
61 if (caption == null) {
62 caption = "File Locator Options";
63 jEdit.setProperty(CONFIGPARAM_OPTIONPANECAPTION, caption);
64 }
65 return caption;
66 }
68 public Vector getMapConfigs() {
69 return this.mapConfigs;
70 }
72 /***
73 * save all changeable options.
74 */
75 public void save() {
76 saveMapConfigs();
77 }
79 /*
80 * private methods
81 */
83 private void setMapConfigs(Vector newMapConfigs) {
84 this.mapConfigs = newMapConfigs;
85 }
87 private void loadMapConfigs() {
88 Vector mapConfigs = new Vector();
89 int i = 0;
90 String mapName = jEdit.getProperty(CONFIGPARAM_MAPNAME + "." + i);
91 while (mapName != null) {
92 String mapDirectory = jEdit.getProperty(CONFIGPARAM_MAPDIRECTORY + "." + i);
93 String mapExtension = jEdit.getProperty(CONFIGPARAM_MAPEXTENSION + "." + i);
94 MapConfig mapConfig = new MapConfig(mapName, mapDirectory, mapExtension);
95 mapConfigs.addElement(mapConfig);
96 i++;
97 mapName = jEdit.getProperty(CONFIGPARAM_MAPNAME + "." + i);
98 }
99 setMapConfigs(mapConfigs);
100 }
102 /***
103 * save all sane map configs.
104 * saves all sane map configs currently in memory.
105 * subsequent map configs found in jEdit properties are deleted.
106 */
107 private void saveMapConfigs() {
108 Vector mapConfigs = getMapConfigs();
109 Enumeration mapConfigsEnum = mapConfigs.elements();
110 int i = 0;
111 while (mapConfigsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
112 MapConfig mapConfig = (MapConfig)mapConfigsEnum.nextElement();
113 if (mapConfig.isSane()) {
114 String mapName = mapConfig.getName();
115 jEdit.setProperty(CONFIGPARAM_MAPNAME + "." + i, mapName);
116 String mapDirectory = mapConfig.getDirectory();
117 jEdit.setProperty(CONFIGPARAM_MAPDIRECTORY + "." + i, mapDirectory);
118 String mapExtension = mapConfig.getExtension();
119 jEdit.setProperty(CONFIGPARAM_MAPEXTENSION + "." + i, mapExtension);
120 i++;
121 }
122 }
123 // clean up remaining mapConfigs in properties
124 String mapName = jEdit.getProperty(CONFIGPARAM_MAPNAME + "." + i);
125 while (mapName != null) {
126 jEdit.unsetProperty(CONFIGPARAM_MAPNAME + "." + i);
127 jEdit.unsetProperty(CONFIGPARAM_MAPDIRECTORY + "." + i);
128 jEdit.unsetProperty(CONFIGPARAM_MAPEXTENSION + "." + i);
129 i++;
130 mapName = jEdit.getProperty(CONFIGPARAM_MAPNAME + "." + i);
131 }
132 }
134 }
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