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createMenuItems(Vector) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorPlugin
Description of the Method


delete() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocator
delete(String) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocator
delete() - Static method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorPlugin
Description of the Method
dump() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocator
dump(View) - Static method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorPlugin
Description of the Method


FileLocator - class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocator.
FileLocator() - Constructor for class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocator
FileLocator(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocator
FileLocatorGui - class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorGui.
FileLocatorGui() - Constructor for class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorGui
FileLocatorOptionPane - class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorOptionPane.
FileLocatorOptionPane() - Constructor for class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorOptionPane
FileLocatorOptions - class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorOptions.
Encapsulates storing of options in jEdit properties.
FileLocatorPlugin - class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorPlugin.
Description of the Class
FileLocatorPlugin() - Constructor for class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorPlugin


getColumnClass(int) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapTableModel
getDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapConfig
getExtension() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapConfig
getInstance() - Static method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorOptions
get the singletion intance of FileLocatorOptions
getMapConfigs() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorOptions
getMaps() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocator
getName() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapConfig
getOptionPaneCaption() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorOptions
get the caption for the option pane.
getRowCount() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapTableModel
returns the number of currently available MapConfigs plus one to produce an empty line.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapTableModel


insertMap(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocator
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapTableModel
isSane() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapConfig
check if the configuration is valid.


load(Buffer, View, String, String) - Static method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorPlugin
Description of the Method
load(Buffer, View) - Static method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorPlugin
Description of the Method
locate(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocator
locatePartially(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocator


MapConfig - class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapConfig.
Container for Map Configurations
MapConfig(String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapConfig
MapConfig() - Constructor for class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapConfig
MapTableModel - class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapTableModel.
A table model that provides editing of map configurations
MapTableModel(Vector) - Constructor for class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapTableModel
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocator


net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator - package net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator


PROPERTY_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorPlugin


reload() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocator
reload() - Static method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorPlugin
Description of the Method


save() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorOptions
save all changeable options.
setDirectory(String) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapConfig
setExtension(String) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapConfig
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapConfig
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.MapTableModel
set the value at the specified cell.
start() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorPlugin
Description of the Method


update() - Static method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorPlugin
update all maps configured in the options.


_init() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorOptionPane
_save() - Method in class net.sf.plb4jedit.filelocator.FileLocatorOptionPane

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